Build Changes Innovative Housing Solution

Build Change delivers sustainable, post- and pre-disaster construction services in developing countries. What makes Build Change unique is how we deliver those services. Build Change uses a sustainable, homeowner-driven approach (versus a standard donor-driven approach) that drives long-term change and impacts in construction practice ? to one that is safe, earthquake-resistant, culturally appropriate and widely accepted by local communities at all socio-economic levels.
Build Change presents innovative, market-based solutions that give financial service providers the needed incentives for them to collaborate with homeowners who do not normally qualify for home loans, and homeowners the ability to access capital to make life-saving improvements to their homes or build earthquake-resistant homes. These sustainable solutions not only reduce the risk for disaster, but they also save thousands of lives, reduce damage and save millions of dollars in response efforts.
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6. Measure the Change Build Change facilitates intensive monitoring and evaluation. We develop checklists for site inspectors to ensure the home improvements have been carried out according to minimum standards. Staff members use cameras and tablets to document changes throughout the construction process to ensure compliance and provide technical assistance to the homeowners and building team.
hace 11 años
5. Facilitate Access to Capital Build Change partners with governments and financing institutions to provide access to capital that is linked to meeting minimum standards for construction quality.
hace 11 años
4. Stimulate Local Demand We work with homeowners in the informal sector to make it affordable and easy to invest in implementing changes to create an earthquake-resistant home. We train local government officials to make it easy for them to enforce and simplify building codes through training seminars and inspection systems in areas with little infrastructure, budget, time and personnel.
hace 11 años
3. Build Local Skills We train and work with all people and institutions involved in the construction process ? from homeowners, engineers, architects and construction professionals, to high school, university and vocational-training students and government officials ? and emphasize to them how to incorporate these earthquake-resistant techniques into their practice and scale this model. We also work with local building material suppliers to ensure they are producing materials that meet minimum standards for construction in seismic zones.
hace 11 años
2. Design Earthquake-Resistant Houses We use that knowledge to look for low or no-cost improvements to existing ways of building houses. During this process, we identify materials that are available locally and construction techniques that are culturally accepted and easy to adopt with limited education and training. We develop building manuals that specifically and practically describe how to use these materials and distribute these to local builders and homeowners.
hace 11 años
1. Learn First We start with engineering studies to understand how houses are designed and built in the specific environment.
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Build Change
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