Energía y agua

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¿A cuál línea de desafío / entorno relevante responde tu iniciativa?
Innovación y Pymes
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Técnico en Electricidad y Electrónica Industrial
¿Cuál es el problema que quieres resolver?
Los cultivos dan comida y ello evita el hambre y da trabajo mas en los lugares desérticosAgua es lo necesario para el desarrollo y la energia para el procesamiento y desarrollo industrial
¿Cuáles Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible se relaciona predominantemente con tu iniciativa?
O1: Fin de la pobreza
¿Cuál es la solución que ideaste para resolver el problema identificado?
Porque no hay la utilización de las corrientes lentas del oceano y de ríos,,se las desprecio siempre,con estos alabes se extrae mas que la demanda exija.Por el volumen en circulación,Millones de toneladas de potencia en movimiento como si fuera un millón de camiones que hacen fuerza.es inconmensurable su poder.

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positiva para el mundo?

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I have been suffering from Herpes for the past 1 years and 8 months, and ever since then i have been taking series of treatment but there was no improvement until i came across testimonies of Dr. Silver on how he has been curing different people from different diseases all over the world, then i contacted him as well. After our conversation he sent me the medicine which i took according .to his instructions. When i was done taking the herbal medicine i went for a medical checkup and to my greatest surprise i was cured from Herpes. My heart is so filled with joy. If you are suffering from Herpes or any other disease you can contact Dr. Silver today on this Email address: drsilverhealingtemple@gmail.com or whatsapp +2348120513902
hace 1 año
Herbal medicines are effective enough to purely cure you of HIV with good improvement sustained without side effects. African herbal medicines are highly enhanced herbal medicine that cures me completely from HIV without any side effects. That is when I became more convinced that there are herbal cures to other diseases that we think can't be cured because our doctors have told us that there is no cure. Herbal medicines are effective enough to purely cure you of HIV with good improvement sustained without side effects. African herbal medicines are highly enhanced herbal medicine that cures me completely from HIV without any side effects. Please meet Dr. Gbogbo Email drgbogboherbalcure@gmail.com WhatsApp +2347031663661. Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/drgbogboherbalcure.
hace 1 año
Herbal medicines are effective enough to purely cure you of HIV with good improvement sustained without side effects. African herbal medicines are highly enhanced herbal medicine that cures me completely from HIV without any side effects. That is when I became more convinced that there are herbal cures to other diseases that we think can't be cured because our doctors have told us that there is no cure. Herbal medicines are effective enough to purely cure you of HIV with good improvement sustained without side effects. African herbal medicines are highly enhanced herbal medicine that cures me completely from HIV without any side effects. Please meet Dr. Gbogbo Email drgbogboherbalcure@gmail.com WhatsApp +2347031663661. Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/drgbogboherbalcure.
hace 1 año
I was suffering from Lupus and Type 2 diabetes for over 8yrs. I tried many recommended drugs by our family medical Doctor. none was able to cure me , at last I became dependent on a safe room and metformin due to the weakness and constant pains, i found that life was just sinking & there was no way of hope. i read about a herbalist from african Dr. Gbogbo on his website, i decided to consult him through his contact i got from his website for herbal treatments, cause i have read testimonies of his herbal medicine curing several people from different disease and infections on his website, two days later, I make order for the herbal medicine and a week later i receive it at my house here in Manitoba CA, After some couple of days taking this herbal medicine, Things started to change, The symptoms started to decrease , a week later all symptoms were gone permanently. At this point I was saying to myself I can't wait to complete the dosage as instructed by him, I became fully free from all t
hace 1 año
Hola Eduardo, gracias por tu propuesta. Queda claro el desafío de la escassez hídrica, pero es necesario que expliques mejor cuál es la solución concreta que propones, y como esperas poder ejecutarla.
hace 1 año
Lo real no se mejora se hace....
hace 1 año